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Far-Out Friday:  Robert Wadlow, Gentle Giant

Far-Out Friday: Robert Wadlow, Gentle Giant

On February 22, 1918, with war raging across the seas in Europe, Harold and Addie Wadlow of Alton, Illinois welcomed their firstborn child into the world – Robert Pershing Wadlow.  He was a little over eighteen inches long and weighed eight pounds and six ounces – a...
Tombstone Tuesday:  Josiah Wilson Rainwater

Tombstone Tuesday: Josiah Wilson Rainwater

  Josiah Wilson Rainwater was born on October 10, 1843 in Waterloo, Pulaski County, Kentucky to parents Bartholomew and Nancy McLaughlin Rainwater.  He was the youngest of eleven surviving children born to their marriage and named after Reverend Josiah Wilson, a...
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