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Surname Saturday: Bible

Bible This unique surname has origins in both Germany and England, according to various sources: House of Names: This German surname is derived from the Latin verb “bibere”, which means “to drink” (as in “imbibe”).  According to this source the original...

Surname Saturday: Blackwell

Blackwell Sources agree that the Blackwell surname was a locational name, a place in the counties of Derbyshire, Durham and Worcestshire.  It was an ancient surname, traced back to Olde English and Anglo-Saxon orgins. The name was recorded in the Saxon Cartularium of...

Surname Saturday: Ping-Pang-Pung-Pagan-Paine

These surnames emanate from different parts of Scotland, but all are rooted in the personal name Payne.  The Old English word “payn” was a name given to a villager or someone who lived in the country. According to House of Names, the west coast of Scotland and the...

Surname Saturday: Noel

Noel is an English surname with French origins, according to most sources.  Some Noel family historians believe the name may have originated among the Gallic tribes of Normandy in northern France, possibly those who lived in Noailles (pronounced no-ay).  In France the...
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