Adoption-Natural Parents Chart
This is a chart for someone who was adopted (with natural parentage).
Irish Heritage
This is a chart for someone with Irish heritage.
A chart for book lovers! (Artwork by Tony Matthews)
Artwork by Tony Matthews. This chart is for
Anniversary gift (Hall-Barnett families)
Anniversary gift for brother and sister-in law.
Blaylock-Hall ancestry
Blaylock-Hall chart (Artwork by Tony Matthews).
40 years of ancestry research
Chart for someone who has worked on ancestry for 40 years.
Hall-Withrow family heritage
Chart for brother and sister-in-law (Artwork by Tony Matthews).
Native American heritage
A chart for someone with Native Ammerican ancestry (Artwork by Tony Matthews).
A family of many immigrants
A family of many immigrants (Artwork by Tony Matthews).
A proud Tex-Mex heritage
– A proud Tex-Mex heritage!
A rich Texas heritage
Research and chart for someone with early Texas ancestors.
A chart featuring a family with a long history of American Patriots.
A chart featuring a family of American Patriots
Gordon Davis Family History Chart
This client’s paternal great grandfathers were men of distinction. George Banks was one of Abraham Lincoln’s body guards and the other was an English immigrant who made a name for himself as an eccentric entrepreneur in Steptoe, Washington. A new book on the life of James “Cashup” Davis is in the works. He was quite a character.
Kitten-Kahlich Chart
A German-Bohemian Family
Howard-Swindle Family History Chart
Created for a summer family reunion, the result of many years of research.
Cahill-Willbank Family History Chart
Wyatt-Tischer Family Chart
A Texan with numerous New England ancestors, including a Mayflower ancestor.