This is a chart for someone who was adopted (with natural parentage).
One of my favorite services is creating custom-designed family history charts. It’s a great way to display your family history! I’ve recently added a link on the Services page so that it’s easier to view samples of charts I’ve done for clients. Each one is unique* and, as you can see, sometimes there are blank spaces (and that’s okay!).
Brick walls are inevitable in genealogical research and occur for any number of reasons (no records, flawed research, etc.). A chart can be updated as needed (may involve a small charge) and reprinted. That may sound like an expensive proposition, but it really isn’t. For example, Walgreens Photo offers poster printing up to 36×24 (currently the largest chart produced).. With a 50% off coupon it will cost just $15 (tax excluded) to reprint a chart. Clients receive a copy of the chart on a flash drive and may print as many copies as they like for family members.
Think you can’t afford a chart? When you’re ready to begin, contact me and we can set up a payment plan. Digging History also offers what it calls “Genealogy by Subscription”. For the duration of your project (whether it’s research, family history chart, etc.) you’ll be charged $35 per month, and as a bonus you’ll also receive a Digging History Magazine subscription (published bi-monthly). Chart prices vary according to how many generations will be displayed on the chart. Big or little they are all attractive and conversation pieces (see the Irish Heritage example).
Family history charts also make great gifts — Christmas, anniversary, birthday, family reunions and more! Contact me at [email protected] or give me a call at 806-317-8639.
Sharon Hall
* Charts are as unique as you want them to be and may include pictures, newspaper clippings, cattle brands, signatures and so on. It will be creative!